Hi there
I'm Rocco

Thanks for stopping by!

I'm a software engineer creating full stack applications


Investment Tracker Transactions Investment Tracker add buy transaction Investment Tracker Account Balance Investment Tracker Income Quarterly Investment Tracker Income Yearly Investment Tracker Income Total Investment Tracker Settings
June 2020 - Feb 2024



A Financial Portfolio Management Application

The app provides a seamless and intuitive platform for tracking transactions across various brokerage accounts.

The application enables investors to have a holistic view of their investment landscape in one unified interface.

Featuring income analytics powered by Chart.js.

Feb 11 2024 - Feb 13 2024


Developed to meet a clients need for a more streamlined approach to tracking their mileage for work.

Enabling efficient tracking of their drives, riders and expenses in addition providing a seamless generation of weekly mileage reports exported to excel for employer submission ensuring timely compensation.

The app significantly reduced the time and effort previously spent on manual data entry into Excel.


  • 86.67% time saving from 15mins -> 2mins weekly
  • Learnt a new library excel.js Enhanced my technical skill set by learning and implementing the excel.js library, further broadening my capabilities in data manipulation.
July 2021 - Aug 2023


A personal and professional website to highlight my father's academic achievements, including his thesis, articles and publications.

While also serving to enhance existing and create new relationships with clients, colleagues and industry peers.

I utilized Figma for the design process,

I collaborated closely with my father, engaging in detailed discussions to select the perfect color scheme, fonts and copy that truly represented his persona and work.

This iterative process ensured the final website was not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and reflective of his professional identity.


  • Enchanching & Cultivating Relationships Fostered and Cultivated new and existing connections among clients, colleagues and industry peers, enhancing personal engagement
Feb 2021 - July 2022


A personal & professional website built for my sister.

I utilized Figma for the design process.

The initial version was launched in 2021, taking two weeks to complete.

Following a deeper dive into UI/UX principles, I undertook a comprehensive redesign in 2022, enhancing the site over three weeks to elevate saskias brand.


  • #1 SEO For the search term "Miss Bradford" on bing.
  • Radio, Tv Interviews, Invitations From being invited onto BBC Radio 1 to invitations from Good Morning Britain and the Bradford Festival that were submitted via the Contact Form


From the moment I began programming at the age of 12 starting with basic HTML and PHP scripts, my journey through the world of software development has been driven by my curiosity and a passion for creativity.

This early interest led me to explore a broad range of technologies from Ruby to Python and Javascript. As a software engineer, my passion lies in crafting beautifully simple and efficient software solutions.

Beyond my professional endeavors, I dedicate my time to projects that address unique problems encountered by myself and others.

I'm driven by a desire to make a meaningful impact, therefore I'm seeking opportunities to leverage my technical expertise to contribute to a dynamic team and create impactful software solutions.


I'd love to hear from you!